Crystal Lake Improvement Association Board Meeting Minutes
May 2nd 2023 – 7pm
Present: Brian Carlson, Bob Johnston, Cheryl Leitschuh, Dave Perron, Mike Robole, Brooke Fox, Ted Lukan, Janet McGrath, Jeannine Currie
Absent: Paul Hillmer, Tom Harmening, Mike Ouverson
- Meeting called to order at 7:09pm
- Welcome new board members: Ted Lukan, Janet McGrath, Mike Ouverson
- Governance
- Secretary’s review of prior meeting minutes – unanimously approved
- Treasurer’s report – unanimously approved
- Nomination and Election of Officers (unanimously approved as noted below)
- President – Mike Robole
- Vice President – Paul Hillmer
- Secretary – Janet McGrath
- Treasurer – Bob Johnston
- Board Committee Positions were filled as follows (lead person for each role listed first):
- External Relations – Tom Harmening/Dave Perron
- Algae, Weeds & Aquatic Invasive Plants – Dave Perron/Mike Ouverson
- Fish & Aquatic Invasive Animals – Ted Lukan/Bob Johnston
- Communications – Mike Robole/Paul Hillmer/Janet McGrath
- Social – Brooke Fox/Janet McGrath
- Committee Updates & Ongoing Business
- Neighborhood updates & member feedback
- New houses up for sale/sold
- 9981 Oak Shore Sold
- 373 Maple Island Road $950,
- 321 Maple Island Road $1.6
- 1013 Crystal Lake Road E $1.2
- New feedback – No new member feedback noted
- External Relations
- Storm Sewer Outlets – Dave reported having learned that storm sewers entering the lake are reviewed/inspected every 5 years by the city for determination of whether cleanout is warranted. Additionally, Dave will follow up with the DNR to learn more about what is allowed for cleaning out accumulated sediment
- Communications
- Calendar Updates:
- The Blue Water Science survey of aquatic plants/lake conditions will occur in the May/June timeframe
- Algae treatment to occur in June/July
- Dave Perron to check with city on weed cutting dates and determine timing of curbside pickup of lake weeds by city staff
- The first park cleanup of the year is scheduled for Saturday May 6th 9-10am
- Boat Parade July 4th
- Suggested newsletter items:
- Remind residents of the adopt a drain program and basic stormwater pollution prevention awareness
- Bring awareness to the fact that trees and shrubs hanging past the curb line prevent street sweepers from cleaning accumulated sand and debris (allowing it to enter the lake via stormwater)
- Remind residents about zebra mussel prevention (Minnesota law requires docks and boat lifts to be out of the water for at least 21 days before putting them in another body of water). Algae, Weeds & Aquatic Invasive Plants
- Note key social activity dates (Brooke to provide)
- Algae, weeds & Aquatic Invasive Plants – Mike reported that Dakota County had approved the grant request for matching funds to treat the lake for Eurasian Milfoil (if needed based on survey) but denied the request for algae treatment
- Social – Reminder about park cleanup on Saturday
- New business & topics for future meetings:
- A motion was made and unanimously approved to change board meeting times to Tuesdays at 7:30 pm
- Neighborhood/Ward Assignments were made as shown below. The purpose of this practice is to provide a primary point of contact on the board for each group of homes on the lake.
- Ward 1: Paul Hillmer
- Ward 2: Bob Johnston
- Ward 3: Ted Lukan
- Ward 4: Mike Ouverson
- Ward 5: Brooke Fox
- Ward 6: Mike Robole
- Ward 7: Tom Harmening
- Ward 8: Janet McGrath
- Ward 9: Dave Perron
- Neighborhood/Ward Assignments were made as shown below. The purpose of this practice is to provide a primary point of contact on the board for each group of homes on the lake.
- Other items from previous meetings – none noted
- Motion to adjourn 8:28pm – unanimously approved
Respectfully submitted,
Bob Johnston, CLIA Secretary