Survey Reminder

Posted by Crystal Lake Improvement Association
9 months ago | August 4, 2023

A friendly reminder. . .
Just a few days ago you received an email requesting your participation in a survey formulated by the CLIA board to learn more about you, your thoughts about life here on Crystal Lake, and what the board and its constituents can do to better understand each other and work toward achieving our common goals.
We have been grateful and impressed by the thoughtful responses we have received thusfar, and would love to receive more input.  If you have meant to fill out the survey but haven’t managed to do so yet, or if you haven’t given it much thought and buried it at the bottom of your “to do” list, we respectfully and earnestly request that you take a few minutes to fill it out.  We are truly interested in what you have to say. 
You can find the survey here.
When you’ve finished, if you wish to enter the drawing to win one of two $50 Amazon gift cards, please provide your email address, which will be kept separate from your feedback. Thank you.