Important Announcement

Posted by Crystal Lake Improvement Association
3 years ago | November 6, 2021

The Mission of CLIA is to improve the water quality, value and enjoyment of living on Crystal Lake by engaging the resources of our community and beyond in pursuit of responsible solutions to our members’ stated concerns.
Being a member of the organization supports this mission.  The lake residents thank you for your support because it goes to making our lake clear, clean and attractive to residents, boaters and fisher(wo)men.
The Board has taken a careful and thoughtful look at our budget for 2022 and have determined a need to increase the dues from $50 per year to $70 per year.  This will allow us to continue the fish stocking program and maintain summer algae treatments.  You will see this price increase when you receive your invoice in the January mailing. 
How does the Board bring value to this mission?

  • The Board is an all-volunteer board elected by the members.  There are no paid staff for this organization. 
  • Each board member represents a neighborhood of lake residents on Crystal Lake and seeks to represent their neighbor’s views to the Board.  We care about YOU and your needs.
  • We monitor, coordinate permits, fund and treat algae treatments.  This saves you money in your own lake treatment efforts.  This is treatment beyond what is provided by the City or County.  If we did not fund this, the lake residents would need to assume this expense on their own.
  • We advocate for the lake and the lake residents with the City of Burnsville, DNR, Dakota County, Black Dog Watershed district.
  • We monitor and invest in lake enhancements such as the fish stocking program and beach clean-up.
  • We provide regular communication and updates on news you need to know to support your enjoyment of the lake and the mission of our organization.

Where does your membership dollars go?

  • Approximately 90%  of the revenue collected goes to lake treatment and services.  This includes:
    • the CLIA funded algae treatment
    • fish stocking
  • The other 10% goes to support of our website and other operational costs. 

The need to increase the annual membership fee.

  • The Board has determined that we need to maintain a balance of $42,000 in our funds in case of significant lake treatment needs.  An example might be, treating the lake for Eurasian Watermilfoil or other invasive species. 
  • The membership fee has not changed in the last 20 years.  However, the cost of business operations has increased during that time. 

Thank you to our members and supporters for being a part of the Crystal Lake Improvement Association.  We truly value your support and are here to serve you and the health of our lake for all to enjoy.  If you have any questions, please reply to this newsletter and someone from our Board will get back to you.