Crystal Lake Improvement Association Board Meeting
October 6, 2021 – 7:00pm
Location: Lakeview Bank
Present: Dave Smith, Cheryl Leitschuh, Colleen Nagle, Keith Kaestner, Paul Hillmer
Absent: Brian Carlson, Jeannine Currie, Jay Jenkins, Mike Robole
• Meeting called to order at 7:03
• Committee Updates & Ongoing Business
o Governance
* Secretary’s review of prior meeting minutes & vote – passed
* Treasurer’s report & vote – members expressed appreciation for Keith’s new format and approved. Dave will, by the next meeting, take the Treasurer’s Google Docs, organize them by year, and make them more accessible.
• How best to keep the member list? No decision made. Numerous factors still need to be considered. Do we need to establish a directory committee? Keith suggests that we review the responsibilities of the board and divide the work by 9 so it is more evenly distributed.
* Neighborhood updates & member feedback – Dave visited the new neighbors at 377 Maple Island Road on 10/5 and provided them with information about CLIA.
* New houses up for sale/sold – 1490 Bluebill Bay changed hands off-market, 810 Bluebill Bay will also
o Upcoming Calendar Updates – Still planning for another clean-up after the first frost. Will plan for October 23.
o External Relations – Nothing to report
o Communications – Cheryl is preparing the next nesletter
o Algae, Weeds & Aquatic Invasive Plants – Keith – A lot of algae on the lake right now, but it seems late in the year to do anything about it. He may ask if doing something now might help the situation next year. If yes, then perhaps we should act. Dave reports an increase in milfoil in certain areas of the lake. Next year may be a good year.
o Fish & Aquatic Invasive Animals – No report.
o Social – Colleen – Lake clean-up, perhaps warm beverages this year. Cheryl suggested we discuss what the traditional April event should look like. We should explore doing something connected to National Night Out.
• New business & topics for future meetings
o Decide and vote on a dues increase/weed rebate – We will prepare a message to send out to all lake home owners that will share our new budget, give the board the authority to reinstate the weed rebate and/or spend more on fish, and propose a membership fee increase to $75. We hope all 9 members will attend the November meeting or send in their comments.
o Motion to adjourn – Adjourned 8:14pm