Crystal Lake Improvement Association Board Meeting
August 14, 2021
● Meeting called to order – 19:09
● Committee Updates & Ongoing Business
● Governance
■ Secretary’s review of prior meeting minutes & vote – Minutes unanimously approved
■ Treasurer’s report & vote – Report unanimously approved. Keith recommended that the board start approving a budget and will work on it for the next meeting. Cheryl will investigate why/if we’ve been billed by Norton. Dave, Brian, and Keith will complete the tasks listed in last month’s minutes.
● Transition to Google drive ongoing.
■ Neighborhood updates & member feedback – Keith received a check from the newest family in Cheryl’s neighborhood. Keith will work to update our directory.
■ New houses up for sale/sold – Brief discussion
■ New feedback
○ External Relations – Dave had a conversation with J. J. Ryan, reported the board was unanimously and strongly opposed to new boat rental business. Ryan had not spoken to the County Sherriff or DNR, had spoken to the City Attorney. Not even sure it would be allowed.
○ Communications – CLIA has received offers from people to do things on/for our website, e.g. a blog on sustainability. Deemed inadvisable. We discussed sharing our letter to the city w/the HOA, but decided against it. Beach clean-up, watering, lake survey topics for next newsletter.
○ Algae, Weeds & Aquatic Invasive Plants – Keith – have had some people contact us asking for algae treatment. Lake Management only did “main bay” treatment. On August 12 or 13 a better clean-up should be completed. Brian followed up with Caleb about 2nd Eurasian Milfoil report. No treatment recommended. Brian looked into the possibility of more pick-ups for the northeast side. He will find a contact for Paul to reach out to on his neighbors’ behalf.
○ Fish & Aquatic Invasive Animals – Jay shared a preliminary draft of the Lake Survey Report. Five gill nets were positioned (the ones we asked about last month) to accomplish survey. Jay reviewed findings. Only stocking we could get approved is Walleye fingerlings, but report didn’t recommend it. Cheryl suggested we compare last year’s report to this year’s, find the CLIA plan and formulate a recommendation. Koi found in Keller Lake; a company has been contracted to remove them.
○ Social – Colleen – Beach clean-up Saturday 8/14, 9-11am. For future discussion: should we have another clean-up in the fall or after the first freeze?
● New business & topics for future meetings – Further discussion on weed rebate/raising dues ideas. No decision. Dave suggested we work in our neighborhoods to discuss potential changes. Keith – Should each board member be given a small stipend to host a reception? Mike – We need to have a real budget so we can clearly tell people what we’re using the money for. Many good ideas discussed. Cheryl took notes and will perhaps share a draft to get us started. We should work toward establishing a budget
● Motion to adjourn unanimously passed – 20:40.